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Yoneda as "Enriched Continuations"

Siddharth Bhat

5 Nov 2021


2 min read

Yoneda as "Enriched Continuations"
  • Haskell

Yoneda as enriched continuations

In this article, we explore the Yoneda Lemma as telling us about "enriched continuations"

{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

We begin by considering the idea of continuations:

data Cont a = Cont { useCont :: forall r. (a -> r) -> r }

Recall that the idea of a continuation is that we create a Promise of a value a. This value can be extracted from a Cont a by providing a continuation handler of type auser : a -> r for any return type r. An example usage is below:

mkCont :: a -> Cont a
mkCont a = Cont $ \auser -> a user a

k3 :: Cont Int; k3 = mkCont 3

intUser :: Int -> String

user :: String;
user = useCont k3 $ \i -> 
  case i of
    0 -> "zero"
    1 -> "one"
    2 -> "two"
    3 -> "three" -- this is printed
    4 -> "four"
    _ -> "unk"

-- | prints 3, since `user` uses the continuation `k3`
-- | to produce the number `3`.
main :: IO (); main = print user

Continuations are generally named with a k for Kontinuation. In the above example, the continuation mkCont 3 is named as k3 for a continuation holding a value of 3. We build this continuation using mkCont 3. This continuation is used by the value user, which uses the continuation k3 :: Cont Int by calling useCont. We then provide a handler \i -> ... which tells useCont how we wish to handle the value i. We case-analyze on i, and print the appropriate English version of the value i. The program will print out 3, since we extracted the value from k3 = mkCont 3, a continuation that held the value 3.

Is there some way we can recover the value the value 3 that was used to build the continuation k3 = mkCont 3? There is! If we say:

extract :: Int
extract = useCont k3 (\i -> i)

we are saying that we want to use the i We will now consider a generalization of the above, given by the mysterious type

data ContF f a = ContF { useContF :: forall r. (a -> r) -> f r }

where when we provide a user of a of type (a -> r), the continuation produces a value of type f r. What value does this provide? Well, first off, if we set f = Id, we recover the original continuations:

-- F = id .
-- idyo :: (forall x. (a -> x) -> f x) -> a
-- idyo :: (forall x. (a -> x) -> id x) -> a
idyo :: (forall x. (a -> x) -> x) -> a
idyo k = k id

-- idyo' ::  a -> (forall x. (a -> x) -> f x)
-- idyo' ::  a -> (forall x. (a -> x) -> id x)
idyo' ::  a -> (forall x. (a -> x) -> x)
idyo' a = \k -> k a

Can we do more? Let's try picking f = [] and see what happens: the type looks like:

ContF [] a ~ forall r. (a -> r) -> [r]

So, given a thing that uses an a, a (a -> r), we produce a list of rs, [r]. Since we're in a pure functional language, intuitively, the only way such a thing is possible is if we call the function (a -> r) .

We ca show that the two sides are equal:

lemma_toyoneda :: Functor g => g x -> Yoneda g x
lemma_toyoneda  g_x yoneda = fmap yoneda  g_x

lemma_fromyoneda :: Functor g => Yoneda g x -> g x
lemma_fromyoneda yoneda = yoneda id

In general, the Yoneda g x will correspond to a "functorial continuation", where given a handler (a -> r), we are expected to return a f r. The two lemmas lemma_toyoneda and lemma_fromyoneda assert that the two interpretation (forall r. (a -> r) -> f r) and (f a) are equal! So really, all Yoneda is doing [from one point of view] is to tell us that we can create "enriched continuations".

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