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Yo, Yoneda!

Fintan Halpenny

28 Nov 2018


7 min read

Yo, Yoneda!
  • Functional Programming

A Tale of Normalisation

In the last post we left off having gone through the basics of Dhall and defining an Either type. For this post the aim of the game is to look into defining Functors in Dhall and then seeing how Yoneda relates to Functors and why it helps us in Dhall. Without further ado, let's get stuck in with Functor!


To begin, let's deconstruct what we know about Functor (in most programming languages) and build up the definition from there. The first thing we know about Functor is that it abstacts over some f that has a kind Type β†’ Type.

The other thing we know about Functor is that it defines a higher-order function called map. This higher order function takes an (a β†’ b) and gives us back a function f a β†’ f b.

To define this in Dhall we define it is a record type with a field called map. So let's see what that looks like:

  Ξ»(f : Type β†’ Type)
β†’ { map : βˆ€(a : Type) β†’ βˆ€(b : Type) β†’ (a β†’ b) β†’ f a β†’ f b }

Breaking this down we can see:

  • An f that is of type Type β†’ Type, corresponding to our required kind.
  • A record containing a field map which defines the higher-order function.
  • The higher-order function for all a, and for all b, and the required function (a β†’ b) β†’ f a β†’ f b.

Placing this in a file Functor/Type and running it through Dhall we get:

$ dhall <<< "./Functor/Type"
βˆ€(f : Type β†’ Type) β†’ Type

Ξ»(f : Type β†’ Type) β†’ { map : βˆ€(a : Type) β†’ βˆ€(b : Type) β†’ (a β†’ b) β†’ f a β†’ f b }

With that I invite you to try implement Functor for Either under a file called Either/functor. If you get stuck the solution is below. Some things to note are that you will need to import the Either type that was defined in the last post (or write it in-line), and the Functor/Type we have just defined to add a type annotation so that we make sure we aren't lying about the implementation.

    let Functor = ./../Functor/Type

in  let Either = ./Type

in    Ξ»(a : Type)
    β†’   { map =
              Ξ»(b : Type)
            β†’ Ξ»(c : Type)
            β†’ Ξ»(f : b β†’ c)
            β†’ Ξ»(either : Either a b)
            β†’     let E = constructors (Either a c)

              in  merge
                  { Left =
                      Ξ»(x : a) β†’ E.Left x
                  , Right =
                      Ξ»(x : b) β†’ E.Right (f x)
      : Functor (Either a)

Since Either has a kind Type β†’ Type β†’ Type we have to introduce what the a for the Left part of the union type. Then we introduce the types we will be transforming in our map function (b and c in this case) and the either that we will be mapping over. We will need to construct new values of type Either a c, handling each case of the union. Finally we collapse the either we were given and reconstruct a new one with function f applied to the Right side.

Traffic Problem with merge

This is where we're going to see that we run into a bit of code bloat with Dhall. Let's look at what happens when we map multiple functions one after the other over some Either value.

    let Either = ./Either/Type Text Natural

in  let map = (./Either/Functor Text).map

in    Ξ»(e : Either)
    β†’ map
      (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 5)
      ( map
        (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 4)
        ( map
          (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 3)
          ( map
            (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 2)
            (map Natural Natural (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 1) e)

Not the prettiest code ever but it will be demonstrative of the point so let's run this through Dhall:

$ dhall <<< "./lots-o-map"

βˆ€(e : < Left : Text | Right : Natural >) β†’ < Right : Natural | Left : Text >

  Ξ»(e : < Left : Text | Right : Natural >)
β†’ merge
  { Left =
      Ξ»(x : Text) β†’ < Left = x | Right : Natural >
  , Right =
      Ξ»(y : Natural) β†’ < Right = y + 5 | Left : Text >
  ( merge
    { Left =
        Ξ»(x : Text) β†’ < Left = x | Right : Natural >
    , Right =
        Ξ»(y : Natural) β†’ < Right = y + 4 | Left : Text >
    ( merge
      { Left =
          Ξ»(x : Text) β†’ < Left = x | Right : Natural >
      , Right =
          Ξ»(y : Natural) β†’ < Right = y + 3 | Left : Text >
      ( merge
        { Left =
            Ξ»(x : Text) β†’ < Left = x | Right : Natural >
        , Right =
            Ξ»(y : Natural) β†’ < Right = y + 2 | Left : Text >
        ( merge
          { Left =
              Ξ»(x : Text) β†’ < Left = x | Right : Natural >
          , Right =
              Ξ»(y : Natural) β†’ < Right = y + 1 | Left : Text >

That's a lot of nested merges! And if we output it into a file by doing dhall <<< "./lot-o-map" > output we can inspect the size of it and we can see it's 941B. In more complicated use cases where you are using map repeatedly your expressions can become GBs; Woof! 🐢

Sure this seems like a trivial case but it can occur (and did in our Formation code base) in more complex code. While using Dhall at work we had a traverse that contained multiple uses of map inside the body, that traversed a large AST of nested unions. This meant there was a lot of maps accumulating. We had an output of 300MB, which was slowing down the Haskell code that was trying to read this in. So what can we do about it?!

Yo, Yoneda!

Enter Yoneda! I first heard about this through my good friend reasonablypolymorphic. Sandy was talking about Yoneda and how it can help Haskell generics code for more efficient implementations. On top of this, I recently saw a post by Icelandjack laying out a wonderful derivation on Yoneda giving a good intuition of the underlying theory.

In this post we will see how it becomes useful in Dhall code, and we will start by seeing how we define it in Dhall.

We can define Yoneda in Dhall like so:

Ξ»(f : Type β†’ Type) β†’ Ξ»(a : Type) β†’ βˆ€(b : Type) β†’ (a β†’ b) β†’ f b

We will make this easier to digest by looking at each part individually. The first thing we have is an f that is of kind Type β†’ Type. We then have an a of kind Type.

When these are applied we get back a higher-order function (a β†’ b) β†’ f b for all b. This description should start to sound very familiar.

Yoneda is known as the "Free Functor" because we can define a Functor map operation on it for anything that is of kind Type β†’ Type!

So at this point we should look at how the Functor implementation is defined for Yoneda:

    -- unfortunately we have to define this here...
    let compose =
            Ξ»(a : Type)
          β†’ Ξ»(b : Type)
          β†’ Ξ»(c : Type)
          β†’ Ξ»(f : b β†’ c)
          β†’ Ξ»(g : a β†’ b)
          β†’ Ξ»(x : a)
          β†’ f (g x)

in let  Yoneda = ./Type

in    Ξ»(f : Type β†’ Type)
    β†’   { map =
              Ξ»(a : Type)
            β†’ Ξ»(b : Type)
            β†’ Ξ»(g : a β†’ b)
            β†’ Ξ»(yoneda : Yoneda f a)
            β†’ Ξ»(c : Type)
            β†’ Ξ»(k : b β†’ c)
            β†’ yoneda c (compose a b c k g)
      : ./../Functor/Type (Yoneda f)

At the top we define compose to make the definition a bit easier to read, and unfortunately there isn't a builtin way to compose two functions in Dhall.

Moving on, since Yoneda has kind (Type β†’ Type) β†’ Type β†’ Type we need to introduce our f : Type β†’ Type. We then see our usual set up of map but things get interesting at Ξ»(c : Type).

Remember that βˆ€(b : Type)? Well the Ξ»(c : Type) is fulfilling this part of Yoneda for us. Next, Ξ»(k : b β†’ c) is the (a β†’ b) part of the Yoneda definition. For the final line we'll inspect each piece individually because it can be a bit mind-melty πŸ™€.

  1. Reasoning about the type of yoneda : Yoneda f a we can find that it's βˆ€(b : Type) β†’ (a β†’ b) β†’ f b since we have just applied the first two requirements, f and a.

  2. yoneda c applies the c type to our βˆ€(b : Type) so its type is (a β†’ c) β†’ f c

  3. compose a b c k g seems a bit noisy, but the first three parameters are the types a, b, and c. It then composes our two functions k : b β†’ c and g : a β†’ b, giving us a function of type a β†’ c.

  4. Applying the result from 3. to the result of 2. we get an f c.

So what Yoneda is doing is composing the two functions and associating them to the right. This reminds us of one of the Functor laws:

map g . map f === map (g . f)

On top of this function composition is associative:

    map h . (map g . map f)
=== (map h . map g) . map f
=== map h . map g . map f
=== map (h . g . f)

But of course we aren't always working in terms of Yoneda. We need different semantics for different scenarios. Such as error handling with Either. So for this we have two functions in the Yoneda tool box to help us: lift and lower.

lift will lift your f into Yoneda and we define it in Dhall as:

  Ξ»(f : Type β†’ Type)
β†’ Ξ»(functor : ./../Functor/Type f)
β†’ Ξ»(a : Type)
β†’ Ξ»(fa : f a)
β†’ Ξ»(b : Type)
β†’ Ξ»(k : a β†’ b)
β†’ functor.map a b k fa

To summarise, we need:

  1. Our f that we're lifting
  2. Its Functor implementation
  3. The a Type that we're working on in the f
  4. The f a value
  5. And the body of the Yoneda from Ξ»(b : Type) onwards, i.e. Yoneda f a.

Conversely, lower lowers the Yoneda to our f. Defined in Dhall as:

  Ξ»(f : Type β†’ Type)
β†’ Ξ»(a : Type)
β†’ Ξ»(yoneda : ./Type f a)
β†’ yoneda a (Ξ»(x : a) β†’ x)

It uses the identity function, Ξ»(x : a) β†’ x), and to understand why we can once again turn to one of the Functor laws that states:

map id === id

So identity acts as the "default" argument that acts as a no-op and gives us back our f structure.

Slim Fast

We've jumped through all these hoops: defined Yoneda, lift, and lower, and now what? Well let's see what happens when we change the earlier example to use Yoneda.

We first lift our Either data into Yoneda, apply the series of maps, and finally lower the Yoneda back to Either so the interface of the function still looks the same.

    let EitherText = ./Either/Type Text

in  let Either = EitherText Natural

in  let lift = ./Yoneda/lift EitherText (./Either/Functor Text)

in  let lower = ./Yoneda/lower EitherText

in  let map = (./Yoneda/Functor EitherText).map

in    Ξ»(e : Either)
    β†’ lower
      ( map
        (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 5)
        ( map
          (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 4)
          ( map
            (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 3)
            ( map
              (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 2)
              (map Natural Natural (Ξ»(i : Natural) β†’ i + 1) (lift Natural e))

And let's run it!

$ dhall <<< "./less-o-map"
βˆ€(e : < Left : Text | Right : Natural >) β†’ < Right : Natural | Left : Text >

  Ξ»(e : < Left : Text | Right : Natural >)
β†’ merge
  { Left =
      Ξ»(x : Text) β†’ < Left = x | Right : Natural >
  , Right =
      Ξ»(y : Natural) β†’ < Right = ((((y + 1) + 2) + 3) + 4) + 5 | Left : Text >

πŸ™Œ look at that reduction! Getting some hard numbers by outputting to a file again by doing dhall <<< "./less-o-map" > output, we can see that's it 221B! That's roughly 4 times smaller! The best part about this is that reduction stays constant no matter how many maps we introduce because we will always only need one merge! πŸŽ‰ Remember that 330MB I mentioned before? It was reduced to 35MB which is roughly 10 times smaller!

One open question that I have not resolved is do we definitely need a Functor implementation to lift? I said that we can use Yoneda with any Type β†’ Type, but we still need it to be a Functor in the end. This could be useful for things like Set that do not fit into the Functor definition due to it reliance on Ord. But at least we get some sweet normalisation fusion, and that makes me a happy programmer!

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