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Difference Between Angular and Angular.JS | JavaScript Works

Fawzan Hussain

17 Feb 2022


6 min read

Difference Between Angular and Angular.JS | JavaScript Works
  • Angular

A Comprehensive Guide To The Differences Between Angular and AngularJS

In today's digital scenery, companies are constantly looking to differentiate themselves from the competition. Web and mobile apps are a must-have and effective marketing tool for any thriving company. Frameworks have been used to create user-friendly applications.

Angular is undoubtedly a well-known framework for developing web applications for most front-end developers. If we use Angular in our project, we must choose between AngularJS and other versions.

In 2009, AngularJS – or, as many would recommend, Angular 1 – was released. It enables two-way data binding and allows data modification in JavaScript to be instantaneously displayed on the user interface. AngularJS also includes directives that enable us to write more divided and reusable code than before. In a broad sense, it makes it easier for programmers to compose MVC or MVVM applications (also known as MVW architecture (Model-View-Whatever)). Due to its dependency injection method, which enables mock dependencies, it takes another step forward towards testing front-end applications.

Angular framework


Angular is a framework for creating single-page applications that use TypeScript and HTML programming languages. Angular is commonly referred to as Angular v2+ or Angular v2 and up.

As a collection of TypeScript libraries, Angular2 continues to follow fundamental and optional functionality and uses a variety of ECMAScript 6 features that you can use in your applications. Its structure is predicated on a few key concepts and scopes.

NgModules, which provide a compilation framework for components and directives, are the basic components in Angular 2. These Angular two modules combine interconnected codes into a well-designed collection.

The application in this strategy has a root module that authorizes bootstrapping and typically has many feature modules and enhancements.

Angular versions

  • The DOM compiler revolves around Angular 1. We can compose HTML, and the Angular compiler will put it together into a working application. JavaScript is the foundation of Angular 2. It's a free tool for building web applications from the ground up in JavaScript and HTML.

  • Angular 4 is a specialized version of JS that allows you to create apps in HTML, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

  • Angular six was released, emphasizing the toolchain, allowing it to work quickly with Angular in the ng-app update, ng adds, Angular CLI (command-line interface) workspaces, Angular Material + CDK Components, RxJS v6, and Angular Elements, animation and validations package.

  • Angular nine has been rationalized to work primarily with TypeScript 3.6 and 3.7. It can force all applications to use the Ivy compiler view engine and runtime as a default.

Features of Angular

Features of angular.png

  • Cross-Platform

You can create liberal web applications with Angular (PWA). Using current web capabilities, PWA provides an app-like experience to visitors. You can implement a native or progressive app depending on your requirements. Ionic is a hybrid mobile SDK that allows you to publish apps to the app store and then deploy them to the mobile web as PWAs. Additionally, Angular can be used to create desktop apps.

  • High-speed and high-performance

By converting templates into code, Angular reinvents the newer JavaScript virtual machine. As a result, the handwritten code can benefit from a useful framework. The greatest part about Angular is that you can produce the code into HTML and CSS and have the application's first outlook on any framework. Angular apps load more quickly than any other front-end framework currently available. Any new component router loads at the speed of a Cheetah. Furthermore, the code is automatically split according to the user's loading and rendering necessities.

  • Everyone Can Use Angular Applications

Angular is a fantastical front-end platform that makes it possible to create high-end animations to improve the user experience and create mind-blowing applications. Because Angular's API is so intelligent, developers can create complex choreography and animation with little code.

  • Fix The Broken Code

You can also fix the broken code at any time with intelligent unit testing frameworks like Jasmine and Karma. To guarantee error-free code, Angular includes more than 11 built-in testing modules. One of Angular's groundbreaking capabilities is the ability to create accessible applications. The accessible applications are available to everyone, including disabled individuals.

  • MVC (Model View Controller) Architecture

Model-View-Controller is an acronym for Model-View-Controller. The Model is in charge of the application's data, while the View is in charge of the data display. On the other hand, the controller serves as a link between both the view and model layers. In fact, with MVC architecture, you can divide your app into sections and code to connect them. In Angular, developers only need to divide the application into MVC, and the framework will take care of the rest. It also saves a lot of time when it comes to coding.

  • Two-Way Data Binding

The two-way data binding system is Angular's most powerful feature. The View layer accurately reflects the Model layer, and the two layers are always in sync. If you make changes to the Model, the consumers will automatically see it in the view model. As a result, significant development time is saved.

  • Less code framework

In comparison to other front-end technologies, Angular is a low-code framework. You don't have to write any additional code to connect the MVC layers. You also don't need any specific code to view manually. The directives are also separated from the app code. When these factors are combined, the development time is automatically reduced.

Angular JS framework

Angular JS.png

AngularJS is a free, open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google and a society of Angular developers to solve problems with single-page web applications.

AngularJS in 2009 by Misko Heavery to make the development and thus the testing of these applications easier. AngularJS programming simplifies and improves the entire development approach and structure of JS coding to the greatest extent possible.

Apart from the components commonly used in dynamic web technologies, AngularJS renders the program for model view controller (MVC) and model view-view model (MVVM) architecture.

AngularJS 1.8.x is the most recent version. Since July 2018, the framework has been in long-term support mode.

The front-end portion of the MEAN stack, which consists of Express.js app server structural programs that connect dynamic MongoDB databases, Node.js server runtime environment, and Angular.js itself, has acquired enormous popularity.

Features of AngularJS

Features of angular (2).png

  • Data binding

We don't need to compose any additional code to bind data in an angular application. We can bind data directly from HTML controls to application data by adding a few lines of code. To bind with HTML control, no additional code is written.

  • Architecture

The MVC architecture, which represents Model View and Controller, creates an angular application. According to the elements of MVC architecture, it divides the application into three parts: Model, view, and controller. This divides the architecture presentation, logic, and application data into separate sections, allowing for more fluid application management.

  • Deep linking

It allows you to bookmark a website. The URL is used to save the page without changing its state. When a user requests that page, it will be presented in the same state as previously.

  • Routing

Routing allows you to switch between different views. Since this is a single-page application, the ngRoute directive from angular allows the user to control from one view to the next while keeping the application single-page. It implies you can swap between pages in your angular application without reloading it.

  • Speed

When you use angular to write code, it converts your template into highly optimized code, giving you the benefit of handwritten code with the efficiency of a framework. Its new feature router accelerates the loading of Angular apps. It also can split codes automatically. As a result, only the code required to render the view is loaded.

Difference between Angular AngularJS



* Angular
* AngularJS


* Written in Microsoft TypeScript 
* Written JavaScript 


* Builds mobile support applications 
* Not mobile-friendly 

Expression Syntax

* ( ) and [ ] attributes are utilized for two-way binding between view and Model.
* For two-way binding between the view and the Model, {{ }}expressions are used. Special methods, such as ng-bind, can accomplish the same goal.


* @RouteConfiguration {(…)} is used by the Angular team to define routing information. 
* For configuration and routing information, the AngularJS development team uses @routeProvider.when ().

Dependency Injection

* The system employs a hierarchical dependency injection system.
* There is no use of a dependency injection system. 


* Angular code is more structured, and large Angular applications are simple to create and manage.
* The size of the source code for an AngularJS project makes it difficult to manage. 

We can deduce from the above Angular JS vs. Angular comparison that the JavaScript Angular JS framework streamlines application development output compared to RESTful services for a completely responsive venture.

On the other hand, multiple variations of Angular allow anyone to support and expand HTML syntax to express the components of applications in a clear manner.

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