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Dependent Types in Haskell

Sasa Bogicevic

10 Aug 2021


9 min read

Dependent Types in Haskell
  • Haskell

This topic is considered as advanced and some prior knowledge of Haskell is assumed although I will try to provide links for the terms not explained in the article.

Why ?

Dependent types help to form a proof that the most critical features work the way we want them and all that in compile time. We can form specific set of types that will ensure all invariants program can have will work properly.

Dependent types use type level functions that are reduced using term level data.

Languages like Idris, Agda or Coq support dependent types natively and Haskell has certain extensions that help us simulate them.

We will go trough different steps in explaining dependent types in Haskell:

  • Terms vs. Types
  • Type Level Data
  • Lambda Cube
  • Local Assumptions
  • Generic Programming
  • Sigma and Pi

Terms vs. Types

Difference between the terms and types can be looked at in a few different ways.

First one would be that if you look at a type/kind annotation:

term :: type :: kind

term is the thing to the left of the type annotation (::) and type is to the right of it. You can ignore kinds for now, they are to types what types are to terms - so like type of a type constructor. You can think of them as types one level up. Read about kinds here

We can also say something that applies to standard Haskell (without extensions) and that is that terms are present at runtime while types get erased at runtime. This statement is not true when it comes to dependent types but it serves well in the path of our understanding of the topic.

Type level data

We can say for a type that it has a set of possible values that correspond to it. So Void is a type with zero inhabitants - empty set , Unit has a single element set (()) , Bool has two element set (True and False) and so on. Here is a small example of this

data Void 
data Unit = U -- unit is built-in type and its actual definition is data () = () 
data Bool = True | False

In contrast to this types can also contain type level data. That is the data that lives on the type level and does not have associated set of inhabitants.

Here is a small example that provides a way of defining a type level String (Symbol)

type Greetings = "Hello" :: Symbol
data Label Greetings = Get

Here type Label accepts a type parameter which must be of type Symbol. Type level data is something that lives on the level of types but is not a type.

Lambda Cube

Lambda Cube is the framework for exploring the forms of abstraction. Starting in some order from simple lambda calculus to calculus of constructions (higher-order dependently typed polymorphic lambda calculus) we first arrive to what every programming language has :

Values depending on values (functions)

  • This simply means that you have some sort of relation between variables if they are used in terms of each other.


a :: Integer
b = even a :: Bool
-- here b depends on a 

After that we get to the second step which is

Values depending on Types (classes)


maxBound :: Int
maxBound :: Double

We can see here that the type is determining the values maxBound will have. Values depend on the type they are instantiated with so the type to the right of the :: determines the values to the left of the ::.

Types depending on Types (type functions)

In order to demonstrate what we mean by this we will use Haskell extension called Type Families.

Type Families provide pattern matching on a type parameter. Here is an example from Haskell wiki

-- Declare a list-like data family
data family XList a
-- Declare a list-like instance for Char
data instance XList Char = XCons !Char !(XList Char) | XNil
-- Declare a number-like instance for ()
data instance XList () = XListUnit !Int

Here we are providing two instances of the same data type. One can be constructed when using Char for the type constructor parameter and the other one when using ().

Following example uses type level funcion on a type level data to reverse a list

type family Reverse (xs :: [a]) :: [a] 

Using Type Families we can say that type used as a parameter to a type constructor determines the type we will be able to construct - so type depending on another type.

Haskell is famous for its If it compiles - it works approach, which is very true but we are haskellers - we always want more type safety and abstraction.

This leads us to the final step to dependent types which is:

Types depending on Values (dependent types)

As I mentioned at the beginning Haskell still does not have native support for dependent types but we have a handful of extensions that provide a way to touch on that. We are now arriving to the next step in understanding dependent types which is

Local Assumptions

GADTs or Generalized Algebraic DataTypes is the Haskell extension that provides us with local assumptions. What does that mean?

GADTs provide us with a way to have richer return types than vanilla ADTs. If we look at the GHC manual example

data Term a where
    Lit    :: Int -> Term Int
    Succ   :: Term Int -> Term Int
    IsZero :: Term Int -> Term Bool
    If     :: Term Bool -> Term a -> Term a -> Term a
    Pair   :: Term a -> Term b -> Term (a,b)

We notice that the return type is not always Term a as it would be with normal ADTs. When pattern matching on type constructors that are constructed using GADTs syntax we are able to have type refinement to specific constructor so a can be refined to Int in following function

eval :: Term a -> a
eval Lit a = ... 

Since pattern matching reduced to this branch and return type is Term Int

Lit    :: Int -> Term Int

When pattern matching on type constructor using GADTs we get assumption that the type was constructed with certain type parameter/s. This is what we also get with data families but difference is that we get local assumptions since we are able to use pattern matching on polymorphic type variables , so all possible results defined in GADt since they have fixed set of constructors.

Lets take a look at some example code:

data IntOrString a where
    IntConstructor    :: a ~ Int    => IntOrString a -- a has a type constraint to Int
    StringConstructor :: a ~ String => IntOrString a -- a has a type constraint to String

This is desugared version of the more convenient syntax that we usually use

data IntOrString a where
    IntConstructor    :: Int    -> IntOrString Int
    StringConstructor :: String -> IntOrString String

Here is example of the pattern match:

wasItStringOrInt :: IntOrString a -> IntOrString b -> [Char]
wasItStringOrInt x y =
-- Local assumptions - Local because it is limited to only one case branch
-- and assumption because we can assume of what type is our type parameter
  case x of
    IntConstructor x' -> case y of
      IntConstructor   y'  -> show $ x' + y'    -- x ~ Int y ~ Int
      StringConstructor y' -> (show x') ++  y'  -- x ~ Int y ~ String
    StringConstructor x' -> case y of
      IntConstructor    y' -> x' ++ (show y')   -- x ~ String y ~ Int
      StringConstructor y' -> x' ++ y'          -- x ~ String y ~ String

-- ghci
λ> let xx = IntConstructor  (42 :: Int)
λ> let yy = StringConstructor "Haskell rocks!"
λ> wasItStringOrInt  yy xx
"Haskell rocks!42"

Generic programming

Let us now build our intuition about types in general and also dependent types.

If we look at a normal Haskell Algebraic Data Type T

data T = A Int Int
  | B String String String
  | C () Void
  | D

Haskell is among small number of languages equipped with sum types. Read about them here .

We can say that T is a sum of products A B C D. In order to understand sum we can define this and every other ADT only using Either, () (unit) , (,) tuple and ((->) r ) function type. So our ADT could be encoded like this using infix notation

type T' = (Int, Int) `Either` (String, String, String) `Either` ((), Void) `Either` ()

Tuples provide us with products, Either provides us with sums, unit is empty constructor and function type can take type/value and yield new type/value.

If we understand these simple types than we understand Algebraic Data Types.

If we understand Σ (sigma) and Π (pi) we understand dependent types.

You can read about the theory behind all of this here .

Σ and Π

First we will look at some pseudo code so we can explain easier what is going on and after that we will take a look at the example that actually compiles.

Sigma type is like a tuple but with some caveats

  (A     , B) 
Σ (x :: A) B(x)

Here x is of type A and we are able to use it inside some type level function B(x).

One possible sigma type could be

Σ (x :: Bool) (if x then Int else String) -- this if statement can be implemented as a type family in haskell

-- possible values
(True, 42)
(False, "abc")

And if we try to use this in a function we can have something like:

f :: ∑ (x :: Bool) (if x then Int else String) -> String
f (x,y) = ???

So now we have a function from sigma to String , we know that x is of type Bool but we have no idea what y is . What can we do with it? We can pattern match on it!

f :: (x :: Bool) (if x then Int else String) -> String
f (x,y) = case x of
  True -> show y -- if x is True then y :: Int
  False -> y     -- if x is False then y :: String

As soon as we pattern match we are able to use local assumptions about y which is the term level data and we know that y can be either of type Int or of type String. Any other type would have caused compile time error and in this way we are able to prevent our program from working with types we don't want and prove that our program is correct at compile time! How cool is that!

∑ is type level generalization of a sum types - it is a sum of all possible first components of a tuple (True + False in our case).

Π is type level generalization of Product types.

Let's look at the definition

    A   ->  B
Π  (x :: A) B(x)

The type of the result of the B will depend on its input.

f :: Π (x :: Bool) (if x then Int else String) -> String
f x = case x of
  True -> 42
  False -> "abc"  

So what we get back from a Π type is a function. Why we say it is a product type ? You can think of it like this - you are able to get back values from a Π type which is not a case for the ∑ type. ∑ type can have as a return type one of the case branches while from Π you can extract values much like from a product type in Haskell

f True = 42
f False = "abc"

Let us now look at the example of some fictive web application. We will use dependent types to prevent wrong behavior at compile time. Let's imagine we have the option to create either GET or POST request. GET request can contain only unit () and POST request only Maybe Body. We will encode this in such way that we will not be able to compile program that does not do what is described.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

module Main where

import Data.Kind

type Body = [Char]

data Method
  = GET
  | POST
  deriving (Show)

data SMethod m where
  SGET  :: m ~ 'GET  => SMethod m
  SPOST :: m ~ 'POST => SMethod m

deriving instance Show (SMethod m)

type family IfGetThenUnitElseMaybeBody (m :: Method) :: Type where
  IfGetThenUnitElseMaybeBody 'GET = ()
  IfGetThenUnitElseMaybeBody 'POST = Maybe Body
-- this type should remind you of our ∑ type 
-- Σ (x :: Bool) (if x then Int else String) 
data Request m =
  Req (SMethod m)
      (IfGetThenUnitElseMaybeBody m)

mkSMethod :: Method -> Either (SMethod 'GET) (SMethod 'POST)
mkSMethod m =
    case m of
        GET  -> Left SGET
        POST -> Right SPOST
mkValidRequest :: Method -> Either (Request 'GET) (Request 'POST)
mkValidRequest m = do
  let requestBody = (Just "POST BODY" :: Maybe Body)
  let sm = mkSMethod m
  case sm of
    Left  SGET  -> Left $ Req SGET ()
    Right SPOST -> Right $ Req SPOST requestBody

main :: IO ()
main = return ()

We can compile this

[1 of 1] Compiling Main      
Linking .stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- ...
xxx- copy/register
Installing executable(s) 

And test it in ghci session

λ> :m Data.Either Main 
λ> let x = mkValidRequest GET
λ> isLeft x
λ> isRight x

When reduced a would be of type Left Request 'GET.

Now let's change something so that we return string "get" in case of GET request instead of ()

-- let x = Req SGET ()
let x = Req SGET "get"

If we try to compile this we will get a type error

[1 of 1] Compiling Main 
Main.hs:48:26: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘()’ with ‘[Char]’
      Expected type: IfGetThenUnitElseMaybeBody 'GET
        Actual type: [Char]
    • In the second argument of ‘Req’, namely ‘"get"’
      In the expression: Req SGET "get"
      In an equation for ‘x’: x = Req SGET "get"

    Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1

The same thing would happen in case we try to return anything else except () for GET and Maybe Body for POST request. Now we see from this simple example why dependent types are considered excellent tool when program correctness is of ultimate importance. There is no funky runtime behaviour, our app will blow up in our face at compile time if we don't write the only correct version of the program.

I agree this looks cumbersome and involves a lot of boilerplate (this is from the perspective of a Haskeller, Java programmers will not notice anything :) ) but currently, this is the only way to mimic dependent types until they are a part of the language.

Concepts described here are hard and in case you could not follow all don't beat your self up. Haskell can be hard as it is without language extensions. Read online resources and try again until it "sinks in". Most of us don't write programs for NASA every day and Haskell Type System is already powerful enough even without dependent types. That said it doesn't mean you should not explore and play with different concepts that will probably be really important in the future.

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