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Support PREPL format

Issue Open
Pull requests: 0
Contributors: 0
Level: Intermediate
  • Clojure
Issue Open
Pull requests: 0
Contributors: 0
Level: Intermediate
  • Clojure

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Clojurescript selfhost library
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Issue posted by: 
viebel's avatar

Yehonathan Sharvit


suggested by @raymcdermott

The motivation

I would like the same client code for the remote PREPL and the self-hosted PREPL
it’s just trying to make things conform to some standard mechanisms
so that whatever works with the other PREPLs will also work self-hosted

The implemenation details

that we could make a wrapper around the js/eval stuff that back the same data as the PREPL
the way I think about it is that the socket server is just a means to connect to a REPL
and the PREPL can distinguish between output and values <--- the main point of PREPL imho
so you only ever get one value per eval
so we need some key per eval (can just be a simple atom counter)
and then no interleaving
or something like that
main thing is I want to be able to use the PREPL data structures in bootstrapped CLJS

Here is a spec for a PREPL map:

(def tags #{:ret :out :err :tap})
(spec/def ::tag (spec/with-gen keyword? #(spec/gen tags)))
(spec/def ::val ::general/string-data?)
(spec/def ::ns ::general/string-data?)
(spec/def ::ms int?)
(spec/def ::form ::general/string-data?)
(def phase-indicators #{:read-source :macro-syntax-check :macroexpansion :compile-syntax-check
                        :compilation :execution :read-eval-result :print-eval-result})
(spec/def ::phase-error
  (spec/with-gen keyword? #(spec/gen phase-indicators)))

(spec/def ::eval-result
  (spec/keys :req-un [::tag ::val]
             :opt-un [::ms ::ns ::form ::phase-error]))

each :form must be evaluated and assigned a :val
klipse-clj should add a new eval function that returns a list of maps (and it will work because each map will have a :form and a tag (eg :ret or :out) and a :val)

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    On GitHub

    Clojurescript selfhost library
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    Issue posted by: 
    viebel's avatar

    Yehonathan Sharvit

    Use Open Source to hire or get hired

    Support PREPL format
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