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Adding <div> and @type within episodes

Issue Open
Pull requests: 0
Contributors: 0
Level: Intermediate
  • HTML
Issue Open
Pull requests: 0
Contributors: 0
Level: Intermediate
  • HTML

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James Joyce's novel Ulysses in TEI XML. Work-in-progress.
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Issue posted by: 
c-forster's avatar

Chris Forster


There are <div>s around the sections. Should they have a type?

My naive guess would be "yes," and something as straightforward as "div type='section'" might suffice. But before over-hastily concluding so, I wonder about the vocabulary for types in Ulysses overall, particularly around two questions:

  • Chapters: Given, the current architecture of this repo, I'm unsure for instance if one might combine all the episode XML files into a large file representing the novel as a whole. If so, <div type="chapter"> might be a reasonable way of combining, but I'm unsure if a single file is the goal (or a goal).
  • Other Episodes with Sections: The cases which immediately suggest themselves are those, like "Cyclops" and "Oxen of the Sun" where the text seems to have clear, but unmarked, demarcations into sections (when the style changes, or a parody begins). "Penelope" offers a somewhat different case--currently the 8 "sentences" of the episode are marked with <p> tags. This seems reasonable enough, but one could also imagine using a <div> or similar because they are so unique.

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    On GitHub

    James Joyce's novel Ulysses in TEI XML. Work-in-progress.
    More info >

    Issue posted by: 
    c-forster's avatar

    Chris Forster

    Use Open Source to hire or get hired

    Adding <div> and @type within episodes
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